Where do all the rivers, mountain waters and streams go? Surely they do not disappear, they are transformed…
!['Fugue' by Wassily Kandinsky [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons](https://i0.wp.com/www.margabaigorria.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Fugue-Kandinsky.jpg?resize=600%2C602)
Fugue – Wassily Kandinsky [Public domain]
…The spiritual life, to which art belongs and of which she is one of the mightiest elements, is a complicated but definite and easily definable movement forwards and upwards. This movement is the movement of experience. It may take different forms, but it holds at its core the same inner thought and purpose.
…When religion, science and morality are shaken … and when the outer supports threaten to fall, man turns his gaze from the external to the deeper essence within him. Literature, music and art are the first and most sensitive spheres in which this spiritual revolution makes itself felt. They reflect the dark picture of the present time and show the importance of what at first was only a little point of light noticed by few and for the great majority non-existent. Perhaps they even grow dark in their turn, but on the other hand they turn away from the soulless life of the present towards those substances and ideas which give free scope to the non-material strivings of the soul.
…Colour is a power which directly influences the soul. Colour is the keyboard, the eyes are the hammers, the soul is the piano with many strings. The artist is the hand which plays, touching one key or another, to cause vibrations in the soul.
Latest works
Some of Marga Baigorria's latest works. Marga Baigorria's photographs are now available to be purchased online.Nature
A selection of photographs by Marga Baigorria. Marga Baigorria's photographs are now available to be purchased online.Watercolours
A selection of watercolours by Marga Baigorria. Marga Baigorria's watercolours are now available to be purchased online.Transparencies
A selection of photographs by Marga Baigorria. Marga Baigorria's photographs are now available to be purchased online.…ARTWORK

A selection of photographs by Marga Baigorria. Marga Baigorria’s photographs are now available to be purchased online.

A selection of watercolours by Marga Baigorria. Marga Baigorria’s watercolours are now available to be purchased online.

A selection of photographs by Marga Baigorria. Marga Baigorria’s photographs are now available to be purchased online.

Latest works
Some of Marga Baigorria’s latest works. Marga Baigorria’s photographs are now available to be purchased online.